Ben COwan
Co-FOunder & CO-Host

Education: University of Akron ‘25 - M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. University of Redlands ‘23 - B.A. in Business Management and Psychology. Also was a 4-year collegiate student-athlete in golf.

Work Experience: Currently working for Eaton Corporation within their Leadership Development Program. Previously worked in human resources and talent development for Honda Development and Manufacturing of America and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

More about Ben: In my free time, I enjoy working on my golf game, coaching middle school football, learning to play piano, and reading.

Jay Briggs Jr.
Co-Founder & Co-HOst

Education: University of Redlands ‘23 - B.A. in Business Management and Psychology. Also was a 4-year collegiate student-athlete in golf.

Work Experience: Currently working within a two-year business rotational program as a Manager in Training at Kimball Midwest. Previously worked in human resources at The Wendy’s Company, specializing in talent management, organizational effectiveness, and development.

More about Jay: I love to play golf, spend time with God, family & friends, exercise, watch sports, give back, and help others.